What can I support you with?
These areas might be suited to a counselling approach:
Choosing children/ fostering /adopting, or choosing none of these
Connectedness and intimacy
Coping with the impact of Covid / Long Covid or other health issues
Coping with living abroad
Coping with winter/SAD
Self harm
Developing self-compassion
Regulating emotions
Damaging habits or addictions: food, gambling, etc.
Exploring your anger, anxiety, sadness and other feelings
Exploring your sexuality
Facing the end of life
Developing healthier boundaries
Finding new perspectives
Finding meaning in your life
Grief / Loss – people and pets
Health anxiety
Highly Sensitive People: traits and qualities
Loss of work, home, identities, health, relationships, children
Low mood / Depression
Processing the impact of early trauma
Improving the quality of your relationships
Stop condemning yourself and replace that with self acceptance
Strengthening your voice / being heard
Making difficult but necessary decisions
These areas may warrant more of a coaching approach:
Lifestyle changes / habits
Starting that project you’ve been meaning to work on
Coping with change in your life
Defining success and meaning for yourself
Developing confidence, self esteem and a positive body image
Developing your spirituality
Finding the motivation to move yourself into action
Finding your career direction
Finding your purpose in life, and your potential to make a contribution to the world
Fulfilling your potential in the work place
Introducing more fun into your life
Maintaining momentum for study
Managing stress and finding ways to relax
Managing your energy and time
Overcoming blocks and moving towards your goals
Reviewing your life and your priorities
Setting up as self employed
Making new friends, dating and finding a partner